Solo the Poodle and his pal Bart the dalmatian, pause for a cute picture during their adult learners course.Winston is eager for puppy playtime after class
Bart doing a excellent stay during class practice.
Hanna, Cooper and Sydney practicing the “Place” command.
Relaxing after a lesson
Hard to believe he was only maybe 4 months old
Apollo taking a break with a ball
Syndey doing “Place”
Hanna Doing “Place”
Duncan and all his CGC awards and titles
Duncan sporting a hat
Finn looking all grown up
Apollo practicing skills in the park
Smarty Miss. Hanna
Getting kisses
Miss Tiffany hanging out at First Friday …she is a diabetic alert service dog and served as a perfect demo dog for me. From wild and crazy pup when we started , to saving her owner multiple times.
Mr. Rinji is in training as a hearing alert dog to assist his owner when she either is asleep and can’t hear something or in public when she doesn’t hear things approaching .
Miss Maisey during her ” Wait Under Control ” test during the Community Canine Test ( Chair not required , lol)
Mr. Skipper in his therapy vest going to make people smile
Mr. Luke is a service dog in training for Hearing alert. He stopped by First Friday to visit me.
Gaela Puppy taking a break in our walk
KB demonstrating the “Place” behavior while crowds roll by at the Sponge Docks